Monday, October 18, 2010

1am sit ups.

Last night I stayed up until 3am watching season 2 of Friday Night Lights. Around the 1am mark I got the overwhelming urge to do sit-ups, which is weird because I usually don't have any sort of urge to work out ever. Maybe it was the crazy new coach that just replaced Coach Taylor in coaching the Panthers. He yells a lot and makes Tim Riggins do lots of intense work outs. Maybe that was it. So this means I am going to stay up again tonight watching Friday Night Lights and hope that once again at some point during the crazy coach yelling I will get the urge to work out (except I am fairly certain that coach Taylor will be back. I mean the Panthers aren't the same without him.)

If you are reading this and have no idea what I am talking about, then by all means start watching Friday Night Lights. Its good. And if you have netflix on your wii, then it should be on your instant que, because it is on mine. Thats why I started watching it. It was just so conveniently there.

Also, just an FYI, I did around 300 sit-ups. So, I went from not doing 1 sit-up in about a 5 month period to doing 300 in one night. Can you imagine the intense pain I am in today?

And now more fall pictures. Why? Because I can.

We stopped to pick some fall leaves on our Saturday drive up Guardsmans Pass. We wanted to see all the leaves changing. It was an awesome drive.
Her friends birthday party was earlier in the day and that is why her face is painted...there was a face painter there. That sentence seemed weird to me.

Why does she get this spaced out look on her face when I tell her to smile? Its a mystery.

We ended up in Heber and wanted to stop at the Homestead to pick up some of yummy fudge sold in the gift shop. We were pleasantly surprised to find a pumpkin/scarecrow festival going on. I also felt the urge to edit this pic to give Cohen creepy eyes and fangs.

It looks like Cohen has a bald spot on the top of his head. He doesn't. His hair has started coming in blonde....but not so much blonde, more white.

I snapped some pics of Chase in the backyard today. She kind of looks like she is 25...not 3.

She went from hating it when ever I would attempt to take a pic of her, to hamming it up every time she sees the camera. I'm not a huge fan of the cheesy posed pictures, but this is just what she does, so I just go with it. I don't like how old it makes her look. Can she please just hang out at the age of 3 forever?

Me and my girl.


The Airharts said...

Seriously she does look so old in that picture! So so cute though. Those leaves are so bright!(have you seen the leaf waxing-they would be is the link

thats all...i cant wait for our leaves to get that color so I can wax them-dosnt that sound weird-oh well. Congrats on the sit ups-I would rather die.

Jessie said...

I love Friday Night Lights. I also love Tim a he's freakin hot type way. :)

Jani said...

I love that last outfit chase is wearing. She always looks cute but I wan that sweater she is wearing for myself. Only wish I was that skinny so I could look good in it. I love the leaves.

CKB said...

I love Friday Night Lights, and also Tim Riggins.