Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Tell Someone How You Feel today"

I stayed up tonight perusing the interwebs for blogs. More specifically, awesome blogs that have a large following. I am doing this for a job I now have. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that during that blog finding journey I came across this video. Its very possible that you have already scene it. I have scene it posted by a friend or two on facebook, and it seems a few other blogs I have come across, but I personally had never taken the time to watch it. I finally did tonight, I liked it, and wanted to share it.

As I get older I have found that it is exhausting not telling someone how you feel. And equally as exhausting when people aren't up front with you about how they feel. Does that make sense? Guess thats why I enjoyed this little video:)

And on that note I shall say......GOODNIGHT.

1 comment:

Erin said...

That video was great!! SO funny:) I have a friend here who has a great blog... I am not sure what kind of blogs you are looking for, but I love her blog! She mostly discusses dating and things like that, but I know a lot of people who love following her blog! Thanks for sharing the video:)