Friday, May 20, 2011

And she danced! Like a wave on the ocean, romanced!

If you are someone who looks at this blog frequently (hi Grandma), then you will know that every 7 weeks Chase has a dance demonstration. And every time she has one I post about it. Someday this blog will be a book, and I gots to document this stuff! Ya know?
I enjoy watching her progress in dance. Except this time around I didn't take a video. It slipped my mind. I find that lots of things slip my mind these days.....including my age. I literally thought for a few months that I was turning 28 on my birthday. I turned 29. I may have already blogged about that. I really don't recall if I have or have not.
Anyways, my age is neither here nor there.

Ms. Chase's dance demonstration.

Here is Ms.Kim talking to the girls about posture. Explaining that our backs should never be sad (aka hunch back), we should walk around with happy backs. I love Ms. Kim. Best dance teacher ever.

1 comment:

The Airharts said...

1st of all-my life is far from perfect...if you say something so silly again, I shall cut you off:)
2nd-what a dreamy dance studio-It seriously looks so perfect. One day I will put my Hadley back in Dance-but right now she is begging for gymnastics, we will see how that goes.
3rd-I am dying over the size of your backyard! How fun! I really really want to see the outside of the new house, please share!