Monday, May 25, 2009


Our Memorial day consisted of swimming in the kiddy pool, in Grandma Marilee's pool and basically playing out side all day and eating lots of yummy food. Now I have an annoying farmers tan. Awesome. Regardless, it was a very fun day.

Hope everyone had a good day as well:)


Aimee said...

Chase's glasses are hot.

The Airharts said...

oh how nice warm weather is!I like your random thought post- I was the same way with baby #@-not much planing early on-it works out. Anyway-are you going to the shower on saturday at foo's-we are in town and it would be fun to see you even if your fat and pregnant-haha(I'm the same way)

The Airharts said...

It's a Modbe swimsuit from last season. They might have some left at their store in orem-I dont know though. The shower is for Luke's(foo and Al's) fiance...I've never met her either-but I havnt seen anyone for a year, so I'm going..just stop in and say hi-Hadley would love to play with chase too. If not then we should meet up for a bit to say hi!