1. I got a hair cut 2 days ago (thank you Emily). I decided to go with the straight across bang. 2 things came about from this haircut. We discussed "the compound", and agreed that "the compound" is way to creepy a phrase and should not be used (if you don't know what I'm talking about its probably for the better). The second thing that happened was I came home and Jamison said "let me try something", and he proceeded to do some wierd stuff with my hair. He then said "Look, a she mullett". I got really offended, then realized I should probably just laugh because I give him so much crap when it comes to his hair.
2. Today I took some pictures of myself. Taking pictures of ones self reminds me of when girls look in the mirror and they get that look. You know, the "I am looking in the mirror so I am going to make a sexy/ridiculous face". My Mom does it. I observe her when we pass a mirror and she quickly does "the look", and I think "You never do that look in real life, why do you do it in the mirror?" I am sure I do it to. I notice lots of people do it. I think its funny.
3. Sometimes while I work I like to just observe people. Sometimes we get the wierdest customers and I can't help but wonder "What happened in your life that made you act this way??" Last night I happened to be working when a young engaged couple came in with the girls Mom. The girls Mom had offered to take them shopping to pick out some stuff for there soon to be new house. It was pretty clear from the get go that the girl was a brat, that the Mom had every intention of spending hundreds of dollars on her daughters new home decor, and that the soon to be husband didn't want to be there. I felt bad for him. As I was helping them I pictured what this couples marriage would be like, and I couldn't help but imagine a spoiled girl wanting lots of things, a stressed out husband not able to provide everything, and this girl going to her Mom, and her Mom buying her whatever she wanted. Mainly I thought "I hope Chase never acts this way. I have only been around this girl for 10 minutes and I have already had all I can handle." I also had visions of telling her to shut up. Her voice was extremely annoying. And just so you know, she did the funniest look when ever we walked past a mirror. Full on puckered lips and pose for that split second she was infront of the mirror ( you will find my very accurate impression on the top right picture above). We had a good laugh about it after she left the store. Bless her heart.
1) The Compound sounds exciting and delightful. Compound daycare could be very smart.
2) I have a distinct "mirror face" and I know that I never make that face except in the mirror. I have no control over it either.
I just love you
I love your bangs. Love them.
I have a mirror face. I'm not sure what it is, but I bet if I knew, I would be embarassed.
This was probably one of my favorite posts of yours. Hilarious.
Hi sorry to bother but no.2 is such a problem in our house that I have had to move the hallway mirror to the high side of the wall. Now only 6'2" tall men can do 'the face'.
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