Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Garlic powder all over the kitchen floor. The perpetrator looking at me with that look of guilt that is becoming so common around here.

Do not let his sweetness fool you.

The first chance he gets he will dump all the contents of the spice cabinet all over the kitchen floor. And the best part? The best part is that it isn't actually our kitchen floor, and those aren't actually our spices. It is Jamison's Dad's and Step-mom's kitchen floor, and its becoming more and more apparent every day that Jamison's Step-mom will be coming home to no more spices.
It doesn't matter how tight you screw the lid on. It doesn't matter how many times you tell him no and get up set with him. He will keep right on doing it. And if you don't catch him in time, if you aren't alert 24/7, he will dump out a few jars, then proceed to sit in it, then walk in it, then walk all over the carpet, so now its all over the carpet and kitchen floor. There is nothing this kid can't figure out how to do when it comes to causing havoc. Every day I tell myself I just need to make room somewhere else for all the spices...but I have no excuses other than I just never do, and on a daily basis he dumps another few jars of spices out.

He thinks its funny. Then when I get upset he gives me this look that says "I'm trying with all my might to hold back the tears because you have hurt my feelings, and look at my cute face with my bottom lip sticking out, and then really try to get mad because I don't think you can."
And...he is right.

Dumping spices all over the floor is just the tip of the ice berg. This kid has done it all.

Just to list a few:

-Christmas tree pulled over twice
-hands in toilet
-hands in pee in toilet
-throws whatever is lying around in toilet
-will climb whatever is handy to get to whatever is up high
-will smack tv in attempt to knock tv over
-if he has access to dvd's for to long he will break them in 2
-any cabinet, cupboard, or drawer that is within reach will be emptied numerous times through out the day.

When ever we go to someone else's house I basically turn into a huge ball of stress. You basically have to follow him around the whole time if you don't want to him to ruin or get into anything. It will be nice when this whole phase is over.

I thought I had things at least kind of figured out after going through this whole age with Chase, but I didn't have sh#% figured out. This kid is a whole different story. Whole different ball game. The second he walks up to me and says "ah oh", my heart skips a beat because I am never quit prepared for whatever it is he is about to show me.

The best was the time Chase yelled at me from the bathroom, "Mom, I just went pee and Cohen had his hands in the toilet the whole time." Its when a mother hears things like that that she just wants to crawl in bed and hope that somehow, without her, things will straighten themselves out.

But I also know that a few years from now we will look back on the craziness and laugh.

And really, no matter what that kid does, I just can't stay mad. I can't not tell him "NO!", then find myself tickling and kissing his cheeks 10 seconds later. He basically has us all wrapped around his finger....and apparently he knows it.

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