Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Suggestions please (and one of my own).

So, for the past 6 (or so) months I have been debating taking a photography class. I know eventually I will do it, but there always seems to be something wrong with the timing. Anyways, I obviously can not be using my dinky Nikon coolpix camra trying to learn the basics of photography, so I need suggestions on a good camra I could get (but isn't insanely expensive). Most of the suggestions I have recieved have been good, but would involve me spending around $800 to $1000 dollars. Don't want to spend that much. I just need suggestions. Suggestions on learning, and what would be best to learn with. And wondering if anyone wants to get a nice camra off there hands for a cheap price??? (I just have to throw that in there.)

Also, if you are in the market to read a REALLY good book, the kind that hooks you from the get go, and you can't put it down for 4 days straight, then I suggest reading The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I loved it.


Aimee said...

My friend just bought a Cannon Rebel on ebay for around $400ish. That is a good deal for that camera and it is a good beginning camera - or so I've heard.

Lindsay said...

Hey Jamie-
Check out this website. It's got really good information about cameras (from point-and-shoot to Digital SLRs) This guy seems to think that the Nikon D40 is the best camera to go with unless you are a serious photographer (i.e. doing it as a business or something) Anyway, thought I'd pass it on!

Starr said...

Two companies I will be faithful to my entire life: Cannon & Apple. I would never buy anything but a Cannon camera. They know their stuff and they are the absolute best. Any other brand I think is a waste of money.

Scott@VoteOrDieBlog said...

I don't know a ton about Nikons because I've only ever used Canons. If you do go with a Canon I'd probably go with a Rebel XT, XTi, or XS. They are around $400 with a lens. You could probably get a used one cheaper.