She amazes me, this daughter of mine. I am constantly trying to remind myself to not forget a certain something she said, or something she did, then as I am laying in bed at night I will think "Chase did / said something so funny today...what the heck was it??".
So here I am documenting the stuff I just don't want to forget.
This evening we decided to take a wagon ride. Chase wanted to take the ipod to listen to some tunes while in the wagon. I couldn't argue. Nothing like some good tunes while pulling the wagon around. Nearing the end of our ride, I look back and Chase is laying in the wagon (practically on Cohen's lap) with her ear to the ipod, her hands covering her face. Turns out she was crying.
I mean really it is an awesome CD. Beautiful renditions of primary songs. A must have if you have kids. I love listening to it...and about 90% of the time, when I put it on, Chase falls asleep (which can be a good and bad thing, depending on what time it is).
Anyways, this particular day, while listening to it, it apparently made her cry! I tried to talk to her about what was happening and she said, "Mom, I turned on the music and it made me so sad and then it made me miss Daddy. This music makes me miss my Daddy."
Picture her saying this while trying her hardest to hold the tears back, bottom lip trembling.
Must not forget. Must remember how cute it was.
Some other things she says that make me smile/ wonder where in the world she comes up with certain things:
1. While getting ready for her dance class, without fail she always asks me,
"Mom, where is my balletatard?"
And without fail I always say "You mean your leotard?"
Cut to one week later when once again she is asking for her "balletatard".
2. Lately she likes calling people "dude".
Example. "Mom, you are such a dude."
Yeah, I don't necessarily love being called a dude.
3. The other day we are talking about what her favorite holiday is.
She said Christmas, then explained to my Mom and I that Santa comes etc, etc, etc...
So of course my Mom has to explain the whole baby Jesus being born in the manger and the real meaning of Christmas. After listening to my Mom explain the whole story to her, she says,
"So, Jesus wasn't born in a hospital?"
My mom says, "Nope, in a manger."
Chase: "You have got to be kidding me!"
There is something very funny about 3 yr olds saying adult phrases such as
"you have got to be kidding me".
4. Calling certain people "crazy fools".
Once again something only funny coming out of a 3 yr olds mouth.
5. I also like when she tells me to "calm down Mom".
I realize some of these things won't be funny when she isn't 3.
6. Sometimes when you are in the middle of a sentence she will scream out "What?!!!",
and it always startles me.
7. She thinks the word "poop" is hilarious, and as a result tries to slip it into her sentences randomly. Example: "Lets go to the park poop." Or, "Cohen is so funny poop."
Maybe not the funniest or cutest thing, but she does it none the less.
Thats all....for now.
Oh yeah. I also love when she says "Boo Ya!".