So it is really early and I am wide awake. I must say that sometimes I don't like being an adult dealing with adult problems (and I must also add that I am so tired I just spelled the word "some" like "sum", and then realized I needed to change it). I am one of those people that can't turn my mind off, even when my body is exhausted, and then when I get stressed it gets worse. So, needless to say it took me a good 3 hours to fall asleep tonight, and now I am awake, and exhausted but can't get back to sleep. ...because I am stressed. Jamison says I stress to much. He is right. But I don't know how to stop. I went to the dentist about a week ago and was told that from grinding my teeth so much when I sleep, I now need to wear a little mouth guard. He said my back molars are so grinded down, they look like a 60 yr olds teeth. But thats what I do. Even while I sleep I manifest my stress by grinding my teeth. Yikes. At least I can laugh about it. Right now I am finding it extremely funny (once again, probably because I am so tired).
This picture of Chase has nothing to do with any of the above. I just like it. I walked in the living room the other day and she had made herself a little bed to watch tv in. I thought it was cute.
I think I will go give her a kiss on the cheek while she sleeps.
P.S. I am realizing I use this blog as a forum to complain far to often. Next few posts will be full of positivity.
I hope you start feeling less stressed. I hate when I grind.
Also, we like your venting. It makes me smile and helps me feel normal.
Yeah, I like your venting as well. I'm sorry you grind your teeth. Where is this stress coming from? Also, I understand you can't like Sawyer, its true, he does resemble your dad. Perhaps it sheds some light on why your mother and Jolee ever found him attractive?
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