I am about to vent. I might offend someone. I don't care.
Lets say you are married, and you have a child or 2. Lets say your marriage sucks. Not just you fight with your spouse a lot, but lets say your spouse is having an affair, or beating you, or gambling all your money away. Lets say he does things in front of your children that will have lasting negative effects on them. I happen to know a few people who are going through these very things. You want to know the funniest part? They REFUSE to leave there husbands. And I'm not even telling you the worst parts. The most horrible of the horrible things there husbands have done. Look, if you want to ruin your own life, whatever, but when there are children involved, children you are responsible for, then get your ass in gear and do what needs to be done. I look at my little girl, and I would do anything for her. If she was in danger I would take on the world to protect her, and I know Jamison would also. Kids remember things. Kids remember how things make them feel. So, I ask, how can anyone in there right mind put there children through hell, when as a parent, you have the power to make it stop!! I hate excuses. There are no excuses when it comes to your kids. I don't care if you don't have a job, get one. I don't care if you don't want to move in with your parents. Do it anyway. Nothing bad will come from making the right decision. I can 100% promise you that. Period. And, to end on a lighter note, Chase rocks.
Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed. Another thing, trash breeds trash. So these stupid ass parents who are forcing their children to live in horrible conditions exposed to abuse and an unhealthy environment are training their kids to turn into trash, just like them. They are making sure that their daughters end up with men that treat them like garbage and making sure their sons mistreat women. These parents should have their children taken away, and I hope the people who you are talking about read this. If they do, I have a quote for them "Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist." ~Michael Levine
Chase DOES rock and you rock too! I loved this post! Chelsea, your quote is so rad! I know db's like this too and I always wonder WHY they keep producing children when they hate their life and their spouse. Somehow they think a kid will make it better? Oooooook.
I have thought about this alot and the only thing I can reason is that the person staying in the unhealthy relationship has such low self-esteem that they can't get out. What would they do without that person? It is a crazy, unhealthy cycle. Crazy. I hate it.
I wish I could give people a big doze of self love to get them out of this situation.
amen sister!!!
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