Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lots of red, lots of makeup, and 2 questions.

If you have a child with red hair BEWARE OF THE OLD LADYS! They will approach you by the hundreds, everywhere you go, and get all up in your baby's face and say things like:

"Oh, you look like you should belong to me! Before I was gray I had red hair to!"
"My grandson has hair just like that!"
"Look at you, you are going to be a spitfire!"
"Oh, look at that red hair!"
"That little boy sure has some red hair"

Bless the hearts of all the old lady's who love to comment on Cohen's red hair.
Its great that he loves all the attention now...because when he gets older I feel he will not enjoy people commenting on his red hair. Lets hope there are no old lady smack down incidents.
Hence the part in the title that says "lots of red".
Also, poor kid pulled a tile thingy my mom has on her fireplace ledge down onto his head. Thats what all the bruises are from. It was sad.

This picture has nothing to do with anything. I just like how Chase likes to body slam Jamison.

Chase likes to wear makeup these days. We pucker our lips and take pictures with my phone.
Also, this picture makes it very obvious that I have my Father's nose.

And sometimes when I ask her to smile she just stares straight ahead.

I have a few questions.
1. Have you scene Date Night? You should. Its funny. Tina Fey is my favorite. The part when you see Tina in a surveillance video still shot, thats how I feel every time I am in a picture. I think I am the least photogenic person on planet earth.

2. I am interested in making my blog a book. Reason being I don't scrap book, and the last and only photo album I have done since my kids have been born is one chronicling Chase's life from birth to about 1 yr old. I have stacks and stacks of developed pictures in the closet, which if I am going to be honest with myself, will never end up anywhere but right where they are right now.
I figure the easiest and best way to go about chronicling my kids lives, and all the memorable moments, is to do it on the blog, then turn it into a book ( I think its mostly family who reads this blog anyways).
Anyone ever done a blog book before? Any recommendations?


Aimee said...

my sister uses for her blog books and they turn out amazing. And her first boy has red hair too.

Humanist mom said...

I want to turn my blog into a book too. I want to do a book for every year. I wanted to do it last year and I never did it. I have a good 3 years I need to catch up on.

The Airharts said...

I used too....we need to get together, I have mine with me and you can look at it-it really is the best thing ever!

Jessie said...

I like Cohen's Batman t-shirt. Waita ingrain coolness in your kids.

Starr said...

I liked Date Night too! I loved the picture they took with WillIam at the restaraunt. Tina Fey is hilarious! I love Cohen's hair. I have heard that about ppeople commenting on gingers like that!